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Getting A Moseley, VA Garage Door Back On Track

garage door off track

In some cases a garage door needs repair simply because its old or improperly maintained and it has failed in some way. But in many other cases, human error causes problems for garage doors. Case in point – here’s an example of a garage door repair we recently performed in Moseley, VA.

In this example, the homeowner had cabinets in the garage that, if a door was left open, interfered with the operation of the moving garage door. You can see in the picture below what happened when the garage door came in contact with the cabinet door. On one side, the garage door got hung up and ultimately damaged the track and some of the garage door panels.

If you ever have a situation like this with your garage door, it could be dangerous as there is a lot of weight hanging in a garage door system and if not adjusted properly, serious injury could result. Do not attempt to force the garage door back into place, and do not loosen the track or track wheels to try to free the door. Instead call a professional garage door repair service.

Fortunately, this is an example where the condition of the garage door probably looked worse than it really was. It ended up being a rather easy fix for our experienced garage door repair team.

At A1 Door Company, we’re with you through the ups and downs. When a garage door fails to perform as expected, it can be an unnecessary headache in an already hectic schedule. Contact our team for a prompt and professional repair.

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